Helping Animals Since 1977

Canine Surrender Request Form

We’re all about helping dogs. If you have a dog that needs our help, please fill out the form below. It will be submitted to our volunteer intake coordinator, who will get back to you within a few days.

Please be aware that we’re a network of foster homes and volunteers without a shelter building, and with limited resources. We might not be able to take your dog into foster care – but there are always other options.

Also, please be truthful and honest, the more we know about your dog , the better we will be able to place your dog in a suitable foster home.

For more details on our surrendering process please visit the Surrendering Your Pet page.

Don't hesitate to email if you have any questions.

Please provide your contact details

First Name
Please let us know your name.
Last Name
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Please let us know your email address.
Home Phone
Please write your phone number including the area code.
Cell Phone
Please write your phone number including the area code.
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Now, please tell us about the dog?

What is the reason for surrendering your dog to rescue?
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Approximate Age

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Approximate Weight

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Recent Vetting within the last year (check all that apply)

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Core Vaccines refers to the following: Distemper, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza & Parvovirus.

If other, please provide:
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Health Status

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If ongoing health issues, please describe and include treatment given if any:
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If other, please explain:
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Are there any past health issues?

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If yes, please describe and include treatment given if any:
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How are its social skills?


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If other, please explain:
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How does this dog behave around men?

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If other, please explain:
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How does this dog behave around women?

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If other, please explain:
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How does this dog behave around children under 10 years old?

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If other, please explain:
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Has your dog ever bitten any one?

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If yes, please describe circumstances:
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How does this dog behave around strange dogs?

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If other, please explain:
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How does this dog behave around other dogs and high value food, treats or toys? (check all that apply)

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If other, please explain:
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How does this dog behave around cats or other small animals?

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If other, please explain:
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What about its training and behavior?

Leash/Collar training?

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If other, please explain:
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Housebreaking training?

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If other, please explain:
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If other, please explain:
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Car Rides? (check all that apply)

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If other, please explain:
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Nail Trimming?

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If other, please explain:
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Do you have any additional comments regarding temperament that haven't been covered by the questions above?

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If yes, please provide:
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that I am the owner of the dog described above. That the above information is correct and I have not concealed or withheld any information regarding this dog and its history. I understand that falsification or omission of information I am aware of regarding the above described dog may result in my being held liable for future actions of the dog; for future medical expenses of the dog; or for legal expenses involved in any dispute of my right to surrender this dog to Animalert. I understand that this information may be released to any potential foster home or adoptive home.

Once you have submitted the canine surrender form, please take three(3) good quality and well lit photographs of the animal and email them to us at with your name and the animal's name in the subject of the email.

Everyone has a right to expect that their information will be managed and maintained in strictest confidence, view our Privacy Policy to know how Animalert handles your sensitive and personal information.